We have secured our first round of funding for Fall 2020, and we are soon opening to investors for dispensary and cultivator licenses in Spring 2021 and Summer 2021.

Please contact us at nitro@lambdasolutions.co for our Investor’s Guide 2021.

Help us maintain our facilities and support our genetic projects! It’s super easy to support the site!

Who Where to Donate Why
24Frames Artist: 24Frames’ Store Our in-house photographer and illustrator
Lambda Seed Co. Bitcoin Address: bc1qld2xv8remc6dctma6qx0relj398875p2zmjdte Non-profit breeding project (CBD)

The link to our donation page is still being created, as we are still making sure to set a PayPal account that is solely dedicated to the purpose of charity. We hope you can donate when we’re ready, so check back soon!

Your donations to our non-profit breeding project will be used to develop and test seeds that will be given back to the local gardeners in the Washington, D.C area in low-income densely populated urban neighborhoods. We strongly believe in re-educating the public in order to create a more sustainable future

Instead, we’ve linked some local businesses to support above. Check them out!